COCM's official email address,, is the only correct way to communicate with the outside world. Contracts and legal documents for any transaction can only be sent through the only official email address. Contract documents and letters of commitment issued by company employees' email addresses are not legally binding. For example, You have received any false documents sent with the suffix, please communicate with us in time to determine whether the information sent is true. The above warning⚠️The final interpretation right lies with COCM Overseas Trading DMCC
Fraud Warning Disclaimer Please be aware that Mr. Sameer Jawed Ismail might approach you or have approached you by falsely presenting himself as our partner, a 20% equity holder or legal representative. Under this false pretense, he might try to gain access to your corporate information or to acquire money transfer from you by offering BTC or any other business opportunities by claiming that he is contacting you on our behalf. These claims and offers are fraudulent and invalid, and you are strongly advised to exercise great caution and disregard such offers and invitations. Criminal and/or civil liabilities may arise from such actions and we intend to cooperate with competent law enforcement authorities and to ask them to take appropriate action whenever such phenomena occur. Accordingly, we would ask you to immediately get in touch with us via email at upon receiving a suspicious offer and additionally notify the police or other competent authority. Please note that under no circumstances shall, COCM Overseas Trading DMCC and/or its affiliates and subsidiaries, be held liable or responsible for any claims, losses, damages, expenses, or other inconvenience resulting from or in any way connected to the actions of the imposter, Mr. Sameer Jawed Ismail. Thanks in advance for your cooperation and understanding. Yours truly, COCM Overseas Trading DMCC